Gergő | Tábornok street

I usually end the “one thing you wouldn’t guess about me…” with “…I grew up in a castle.” Truth be told, I was raised by my granny until I was 4, and she lived in a castle (Somlószölős, Zichy–castle)
How she came to live there is a longer story, but I spent my childhood hunting for treasure, escaping ghosts, and searching for secret doors, with my granny and 400 bats living in the cracks of the building.
I remember you as a simple Christian, you asked me about heaven this one time and told me that you thought heaven would be specific to each person and that each person would have their own version of it.
Then you asked me what mine would be.
I was so scared to tell you ˝I don´t have one˝, but you nodded your head and you said ˝you don´t have to believe what I believe, it´s enough to be good. Be good.˝
“I will. At least I’ll try”

14. July 2016.

