Orsi & Panka | Pasaréti square

“We moved to the second district, the neighborhood of Pasaréti square only a few years ago and we are very grateful that we can live in one of the most beautiful areas of Budapest. We lived in Solymár earlier, but we already went to school to this district. You can see the whole city from the higher places, the city is becoming more and more beautiful, fantastic, sparkling and memorable. We can get home quickly and it is important because we are fond of theatre and we see a lot of plays in all kind of genres from opera to light comedies. And of course, we cannot miss out on the exciting concerts! Body and soul find a home here: we are part of the community in the church at the Pasaréti Square and there are wonderful running tracks in the green areas nearby. Sometimes we are stopped and people tell us how similar we are and that we couldn’t deny it. So what? We are not siblings but mother and daughter and we want to tell the world that people should deal more with the arts either as a creator or as a receiver because they make life more cheerful and full of nicer emotions.“

22. February 2016.

