Rebi | Hegedű street

˝During the weekdays I study drama and applied theatre in London at a University where there are all kinds of students from all around the world. When I first arrived in London my initial thought was how colourful it is: people, buildings, cars, ads, clothes and lights. After Budapest, I could barely take in this chaos. I have been living in Great Britain for the past five years and it starts to feel normal that everything and everyone are different. Even though you learn an astonishing amount of tolerance and empathy in a huge place like this, it is easy to disappear in the crowd. For a long time, I had the feeling that there are many of me as there are so many of us that everyone must have a dozen of lookalikes. Because of my pronunciation, they don´t put me instantly in the eastern European block, especially as they usually have no idea if Hungary or Budapest even exist or if they do, they don´t know where it is.
When I met my husband I told him it was a tiny island close to Sweden. He believed it for days. Since then we spend every summer here - it turned out to be not an island - leading crazy, life-changing camps with others. In 2011, we founded Naszin Nadil Fantasy camp which is a fairy tale in the middle of the forest with the most fantastic kids and facilitators that one can wish for. Since then Nadil Naen has joined us and today we spend almost a month intertwined in our magical world where there is no racket of the city, we see each other and play. The Budapest-based Ephebus Association was founded for the Naszin camp, but later as the Forum Company has joined us a whole new world grew out of it. They are a young theatre company who are working with drama, theatre, training (and a million other things). We constantly learn from each other and work so we can do more for others in the civil and cultural area, as it is quite obvious that every job, challenge and adventure is about us and for us too. That is the reason why we can give more and more out from us as this environment refills us. I am incredibly thankful that I have this kind of job and slowly I can feel here at home again.˝

29. August 2016.

